Proverbs 31:11a says that Her husband has full confidence in her. For a moment take out the word husband and insert one of these. Co-worker, boss, children, mother, father, friends the list could go on and on. A person living a life of wisdom does not give anyone around them cause to doubt their integrity, work ethic, or their ability to do what has been asked of them.
During my first few years of marriage my husband lost his confidence in me. I was spending money that we needed for bills on other things and was not honest about my spending habits. This went on until my husband told me one day that he didn't trust me anymore, not just about money but about everything. If I was not willing to be honest about my spending habits than he could not have confidence I was being honest about anything. This was a real eye opener to me. I wanted my husband to be able to trust me and believe that I had his best in mind at all times. Together we worked hard to institute some changes that helped me stop spending and began to rebuild my husbands trust. Today I can say that he has full confidence in me.
A wise person knows that what they do when no one is looking is what they will eventually do when someone is. Does your spouse have confidence that you are being honest in your internet habits. Would your boss and coworkers say that they have confidence that you give a hard days work everyday and they can count on you to get your work done. Do your children know they can count on you to do the right thing when they confide in you. Does your life give others confidence that you are the person you claim to be.
A person of wisdom knows that the true source of wisdom, God, only leads to truth and what is best for everyone around us. Choosing a good source of wisdom gives other confidence in us as well. Do you seek out God's word when you are having trouble or the latest self help book. Do you get wise counsel from godly individuals or do you listen to the latest celebrity guru.
Living a life of wisdom allows others to have confidence in us. They can believe we are speaking the truth. They can have confidence that we have their best in mind when making a decision.
AMEN! Preach it, sister!